合理利用 共享资源

梁 鸣

梁鸣,1957年出生,学士,研究员,硕士研究生导师,省政府特殊津贴专家,省科学院自然与生态研究所园艺学科负责人。全国和黑龙江省优秀科技工作者,省科技项目同行评议专家,省科技进步奖专家评委,省林木种子协会常务理事,省天然产物工程学会常务理事,黑龙江 威龙司法鉴定服务有限责任公司特聘(林业)司法鉴定专家,黑龙江威翔价格评估认证有限公司特聘(林业)司法鉴定专家,东北林业大学硕士研究生导师。


Liang Ming, B.Se of Shan Xi Normal University in the Biology Department, Research Professor, has the honor of Academic leader of key provincial subjects of the Ornamental Plants and Horticulture, Specialistic jury of provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Peer review specialist of provincial scientific research projects, Specialistic jury of Youth Innovation Fund of HAS, Executive director of Provincial Forest Seed Association, the person in charge of horticulture subject in the Institute of Ecology and Natural Resources. She keeps focusing on the plants resources, the introduction and domestication of garden plants relative scientific research items which she has presided over and participated and won the awards covered national, provincial, municipal. She has edited 2 monographs and co-authored 2 monographs. She has published 40 papers. So far, she has promoted the applications of 4 research findings and is a well known specialist in plants resources.